“Let me keep my mind on what matters, which is my work, which is mostly standing still and learning to be astonished.”
The name Earthbound Bodywork emerged when considering my life’s passions, my temperament and style of massage, as well as the commitment I want to live in community.
All my life I have been a hiker, a swimmer, and nature lover, and nothing calms me down quite as much as a walk in the woods. I find my center in the natural world, and many of my life’s pursuits reflect this, as an Environmental Studies major with a focus on Ecology and a minor in Geography, and later on, an organic farmer. I am fascinated by place and how as humans we root ourselves to place.
I find myself most aligned with the Earth element, an element that teaches extraordinary patience, the foundation of all we walk on, completely malleable and changeable, but moving at a speed that is measured on geological scales rather than human lifetimes. When I see a mountain, I recognize this magnificent formation of Earth is teaching me how to be: to stand tall and weather what comes, unwavering; a devotion to stillness. To be earthbound is to reside in this place of stillness.
Earth element embodies inner calm, and many who know me remark on my calm nature, which is how I approach bodywork. Coming into my power has taught me that it is alright to be slow, to honor the process and the time which it takes for something to emerge. This is my philosophy in massage, and my own methodical nature is well suited to this work. After a massage session, people often feel a change in their body or emotional state right away, but lasting change takes time. As we repattern, we are undoing habitual patterns of the body and mind, and since these habits have taken a lifetime to emerge, changing these patterns also requires time.
To be earthbound as a practitioner is to offer a grounding presence in a hectic world, and create space that allows clients to tap into that energy in themselves. To be earthbound as a client is to feel rooted in yourself during a session, accepting what is, paying attention to what your body wants to communicate, and recognizing the strength of your enduring nature.
The time we are living in is one of drastic change on the earth, to the weather patterns, the temperatures, the diversity of species of plants and animals. To understand that the fate of the human species is bound with that of the Earth is to awaken to how we ourselves are microcosms of this macrocosm, and thus in need of and deserving of care. In a time when so much is at stake, it is important that we understand we are Earthbound - our destiny is tied with this planet, with all the people and all the life forms of the Earth. Survival requires cooperation on all levels and an understanding of our interdependence. To be earthbound is to see ourselves as a part of a greater whole, a web of life, and find our selves in connection.
“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.”